Putri Dwi Cahyani, Henny Welsa, Ganang Kristanto Aji


Loyalty brand or faithfulness customer is draft important for many companies that can bring many benefits for companies, such as purchase repeat and recommendation brand the to others, who then could reduce cost marketing. Brand trust is important and is a factor main in the development of a loyal brand. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of media marketing social, perceived quality, on-brand loyalty with brand trust as an intervening variable. The research was conducted using quantitative methods with 145 respondents. The population used in this study are consumers who have accessed the Tokopedia application in the Yogyakarta area. This study uses the Non - Probability Sampling technique with a purposive sampling approach with the criteria of respondents who have used the Tokopedia application. Results of the study this showing that Social Media Marketing (SMM) own a significant influence on Brand Trust (BT). Brand Trust (BT) is influential positive and significant to Brand Loyalty (BL). Perceived Quality (PQ) is not influential and not significant to Brand Loyalty (BL). Influence Social Media Marketing (SMM) to Brand Loyalty (BL) through Brand Trust (BT) as an intervening variable accepted.

Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Perceived Quality, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty

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