Nurul Faliha, Astuti Endang Siti, Rahardjo Kusdi, Kusumawati Andriani


Digital marketing is currently a new force in marketing strategy. The marketing mix in hotel digital marketing applies an online reservation system as a distribution channel and online customer review as a promotional tool. The use of the online reservation system will distribute hotel rooms throughout the world. The market potential will not be limited by time or distance. This technology is a mainstay for hotels to distribute rooms to customers. The use of online customer review as a promotional tool is carried out by asking customer's participation to express their review of the product to potential customers. This method is widely used as customer's words is more trusted than vendors’. The objective of the present study is to investigate the role of digital marketing strategies, especially the impact of the online reservation system and online customer review on brand image, trust, and hotel booking decision. This study utilizes a literature review from previous studies that are relevant to this study. Articles were taken digitally using google search engine with the keywords "online reservation system, online customer review, brand image, trust, and booking decision". The articles come from international and national journals. This review only uses 15 relevant articles. The literature review results show that the online reservation system and online customer review have a significant impact on trust, brand image, and hotel booking decision. Hotels utilize the online reservation system and online customer review in digital marketing strategies to attract customers worldwide. However, this literature review study has limitations where all articles used do not consider the Covid-19 outbreak. In addition, the study also does not distinguish between online reservation systems belonging to hotels and those belonging to online travel agents.
Keywords: online reservation system, online customer review, brand image, trust, booking decision

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