Luthfi Arie Widzayanto, Hermin Endratno, Akhmad Darmawan, Totok Haryanto


Human resources have an important role in the company achieving its goals. This research aims to examine the influence of self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, islamic work ethics, and psychological well-being on performance. The research uses primary data and is a type of quantitative research. Permanent nurse at RSI Muhamadiyah Tegal with a population of 155 people, using a purposive sampling method with the criteria being permanent nurses and a minimum work period of 1 year. The response rate in this study was 83.22% or 129 nurses. Questionnaires were distributed via Google Forms to collect data. Using multiple regression analysis via the SPSS 26 application. The results of this study show self-efficacy, Intrinsic motivation, and psychological well-being have a positive and significant effect on performance. However, Islamic work ethic does not affect performance

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