Pengaruh Relationship Marketing, Comporate Image dan Syariah Compliance Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah dengan Kepuasan Nasabah Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada PT BSI KCP Gunung Tua

Ade Ayu Oktapiani, Tuti Anggraini


The development of Islamic banking in Indonesia is very rapid and increasingly competitive in providing banking services, to attract the attention and interest of customers. Banks must be able to face the challenges of the industrial revolution, by improving and developing strategies in understanding what are the factors in attracting customers and creating customer loyalty. One strategy that can be used to create customer loyalty is by means of relationship marketing, corporate image and sharia compliance. The purpose of this stdy is to determine the partial or simultaneous effect of Relationship Marketing, Corporate Image and Sharia Compliance variables on customer loyalty at PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Gunung Tua and whether the satisfaction variable can mediate Relationship Marketing, Corporate Image and Sharia Compliance on customer loyalty. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data used in this study is primary data obtained through a questionnaire (questionnaire) using a measurement scale, namely the Likert scale. The sample used in this study were 100 respondents. To analyze the data, the writer uses SPSS version 21. This analysis technique includes validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, statistical test and path analysis test. Based on the results of the tests conducted, it shows that the relationship marketing variables, corporate image and customer satisfaction have a positive and insignificant effect on customer loyalty, the sharia compliance variable has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, the relationship marketing, corporate image and sharia compliance variables have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction variable is not able to mediate the influence between relationship marketing, corporate image and sharia compliance on customer loyalty.

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