Analisis Penerapan Akad Wakalah Bil-Ujrah pada layanan Go-Mart (Studi Analisis)

Said Atabik, Muhammad Ghozali, Amir Reza Kusuma


Nowday its many transaction model has been developed and the research is needed, at first humans transacted with the concept of bartering and in this time humans can transact using a virtual money, in the fiqhiyah rule the terms of the transaction is akad and in this day and age human only using his device to transaction. Such us Go-Jek application product on Go-Mart Services that makes human easier to get his desire goods, so there is an terms that must be in that transaction and the contract used mus be in accordance with Islamic shariah, in this case the product uses ijarah contract, qard and wakalah bil ujrah. Then there needs to be more analysis of this service to meet the elements in the fiqh rule so that muslims are allowed to use it.

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