Analisis Dampak Covid-19 Terhadap Perilaku Belanja Online Pada Ibu-ibu Pegawai Honorer di Kantor Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tanggamus Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Dian Eka Wati, Madnasir Madnasir, Syamsul Hilal


Muslim consumer behavior is a human activity related to the activity of buying and using goods and services, taking into account the principles of Islamic teachings, and is useful for the benefit of the people. Consumption in Islamic economics is to fulfill both physical and spiritual needs so that they are able to maximize their human function as a servant of Allah SWT to obtain prosperity or happiness in the world and the hereafter (falah). From the initial data obtained by the researchers, the consumption of temporary employees in Tanggamus is not in accordance with the consumption law in Islam, namely about simplicity. Islam, but in terms of buying goods at online shops, these mothers often do not pay attention to consumption rules that are in accordance with Islamic teachings. The purpose of this study was the first to find out how the consumption behavior of online shopping among honorary employees at the Tanggamus district government office was in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. And the second is to find out how the online shopping consumption behavior of temporary employees at the Tanggamus district government office is in the perspective of Islamic economics. The type of research used by the researcher is field research using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques that researchers use are interviews and observation. The results of the study concluded that based on the results of this study, temporary employees at the Tanggamus district government office in the digital era and moreover in the era of the covid-19 pandemic chose to use online shopping to fulfill their personal life needs. The applications used are the majority choose the shopee, lazada and open lapak applications to make online shopping transactions, because online transactions are more convenient, complete information, low prices, lots of discounts, can COD and good consumer confidence. Most of the shopping activities carried out by the women of honorary employees reach 1-7 transactions, and spend an average of 1 to 4 million per month on a budget. Therefore, this consumption activity includes consumptive behavior because the purpose of consumption is solely to follow trends, increase social status, build self-confidence, and the papacy. And Broadly speaking, the consumption behavior carried out by temporary employees at the Tanggamus district government office is not in accordance with Islamic consumption laws, such as ethics, motivation, and the purpose of consumption. In the results of this study, the women of honorary employees at the Tanggamus district government office were impressed by redundant consumption behavior and did not contain an element of simplicity, because they spent their money without thinking and only concerned with wants, not needs. The needs that are meant in this study are the needs of tahsiniyah (complementary). This need is a need that involves splendor and luxury or seems excessive. In addition, there are findings that online shopping behavior by temporary employees at the Tanggamus district government office forms consumptive behavior, of course this kind of behavior is not allowed in Islamic law.

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