Analisis Literasi Ekonomi Syariah dan Ekosistem Halal Value Chain Terhadap Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah Pondok Pesantren di Provinsi Lampung

Muhlisin Muhlisin, Syamsul Hilal, Moh. Bahrudin


Halal value chain is considered one of the factors that can influence the income of business actors in Lampung Province. Halal value chain provides a suitable framework to explain how an organizational unit can manage substantial considerations in all locating its resources, creating differentiation and effectively managing its costs. With the existence of a halal value chain balanced with the support of economic literacy, it will be able to increase income for business actors. In this research, the researcher uses the term Islamic economic literacy. This research is a research that uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are interviews and observation. The informants used were 3 Islamic boarding schools that have a food business in Lampung Province. The results of the interview show that all informants as many as 3 business fields of Islamic boarding schools use the halal value chain as their business model and have implemented sharia economic literacy. All business actors in Islamic boarding schools acknowledge that there is a good influence on the development of Islamic boarding schools' Islamic economy. However, the income from the Islamic boarding school business is still more focused on developing the Islamic boarding school business sector first.

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