Lilik Setiawan, Didi Hermanto, Sugeng Bowo Handayani


The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of affective commitment in mediating the influence of employee competencies, training, organizational culture on employee performance. The population in this study were employees of the Class 1 Agricultural Quarantine Semarang, which numbered 100 employees. The sampling method uses the census method. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Square.
This study shows that employee competency, training, and organizational culture have a significant positive effect on affective commitment. Affective commitment, employee competency, and organizational culture have a significant positive effect on employee performance. Training does not affect employee performance. Affective commitment can mediate in full (complete) the influence of employee competency, training, organizational culture on employee performance.

Keywords: employee competency, training, organizational culture, affective commitment, employee performance.

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_____Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 42 / Permentan / Sm.200 / 8/2016 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Competency Certification for Human Resources in the Agricultural Sector


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